Thursday, May 21, 2015


This is our unit plan.  Below the unit plan is a brief outline of what we do in class each day.  IF YOU ARE ABSENT be sure to check BOTH!!
UNIT: Economic Growth (GDP)

For links to the assignments/readings/notes below, SELECT HERE!!!!
Learning Targets for the Unit:
I CAN…calculate gross domestic product (GDP).
I CAN...explain how and why GDP would be calculated as both nominal and real.
I CAN...differentiate between the expenditure and income approach for calculating GDP and explain reasons for using both.
I CAN...list the limitations of GDP in evaluating economic growth.
I CAN...identify factors that influence GDP.
I CAN...describe other output and income measures.
I CAN...analyze how economic growth is measured.
I CAN...explain “capital deepening” and how it contributes to economic growth.
I CAN...analyze how saving and investment are related to economic growth.
I CAN...explain the impact of population growth, government and foreign trade on economic growth.
I CAN...identify the causes and impact of technological progress.

Essential Question(s) for the Unit:
What does GDP show us, and not show us, about the nation’s economic situation?
How does the economy grow?
(select above for unit folder with assignments)
Due Date

Chapter 12 Section 1
1. Read Chapter 6 Section 1
2. Complete the table on pg. 307 as you read.
3. After reading complete #3-10 on pg. 314.
4. Lecture Notes & practice wkst

Chapter 12 Section 3
1. Read Chapter 6 Section 3
2. Complete the table on pg.323 as you read.
3. After reading complete #3-11 on pg. 330.
4. Lecture Notes & practice wkst

1. Define each of the vocabulary words from Sections 2 & 3 in your own words.
2. Schematic Mapping - using the above vocabulary words (printed on green paper), cut them out and organize them based on their relationship to one another.
-You have to use each word at least one time
-You may use words more than once
-Create a graphic organizer using the words and showing their relationship to one another
-Fill in the “map” with connectors and brief descriptions (to SHOW the actual relationship) using markers/colored pencils




Daily Activities
Most activities/assignments listed here are explained & detailed in the chart above.
May 18 - May 22, 2015
Monday (May 11)
1. Work GDP Reading Assignment

Tuesday (May 12)
1.  Go over answers for reading assignment in small groups 
2. Start vocab - define terms into your own words (due: Wed)

Wednesday (May 13) 
1. Lecture Notes & wkst for Section 1
2. Complete wkst for tomorrow

Thursday (May 14)
1. Go over answers to wkst (calculating nominal & real GDP)
2. Vocabulary - schematic mapping (alone or in small groups)

Friday (May 15)
1. GDP Review Videos
2. Finish Vocabulary Schematic Mapping - due: Tues

May 25 - May 29, 2015
Monday (May 25)
No School - Memorial Day

Tuesday (May 26)
1. Discuss vocab schematic maps with classmate
2. Turn in Vocab Assignment
3. Lecture notes & discussion - GDP and history (Section 2)

Wednesday (May 27) 
1.  Complete Section 2 wkst & go ove
2. Lecture notes & discussion - growing the economy

Thursday (May 28)

Friday (May 29)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

UNIT: Prices (May 7-14, 2015)

This is our unit plan.  Below the unit plan is a brief outline of what we do in class each day.  IF YOU ARE ABSENT be sure to check BOTH!!

UNIT: Prices

For links to the assignments/readings/notes below, SELECT HERE!!!!
Learning Targets for the Unit:

Essential Question(s) for the Unit:
(select above for unit folder with assignments)
Due Date

Chapter 6 Section 1
1. Read Chapter 6 Section 1
2. Complete the table on pg. 133 as you read.

Chapter 6 Section 2
1. Read Chapter 6 Section 2
2. Complete the table on pg. 141 as you read.
5/8Real-World Connections1. I, Pencil (incentives, market prices, "invisible hand" - about 6 minutes) - SELECT HERE to watch video clip and answer the following questions:
1. Why does the video say a pencil is “complicated”? Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer.
2. Describe the “family tree” that goes into making a pencil. The video points out that it works voluntarily with the “absence of a mastermind.”What does this mean? What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of this?
3. What is the “invisible hand”? Is it a good or bad thing? Discuss and compare occurrences in our society where the invisible hand is at workand where it is not.
2. Is Price Gouging Bad - SELECT HERE to watch video clip and answer the following questions:
1. What is “price gouging”?
2. Why do some people argue that price gouging is a bad thing? Why do others say that it’s a positive thing? What do you think?
3. Art Carden argues that prohibiting price gouging prevents companies from “bringing more supplies to the market.” What does he mean by this?

3. Uber/Lyft (Relationship between regulation and ride-sharing services - abut 5 minutes) - SELECT HERE to watch video clip and answer the following questions:
1. Why do Taxi companies have a problem with these companies? Should everyone have to follow the same rules? Why or why not? What do you think of the rules that Taxi drivers have to follow? Are they fair?

4. College Tuition & Campus Luxuries ( abut 5 minutes) - SELECT HERE to watch video clip and answer the following questions:
1. React to the clip - do you think the gov't has an impact on tuition price in the way the video described?

5/13-5/14TEST - Prices

Daily Activities
Most activities/assignments listed here are explained & detailed in the chart above.
May 7 - May8, 2015
Thursday (May 7)
1. Quiz - Vocab
2. Work time on reading assignment for "Prices"

Friday (May 8)
1. Real World Connections - watch short videos and answer questions (I,Pencil & Price Gouging)
2. Supply Test corrections - finish & turn in

May 11 - May 15, 2015
Monday (May 11)
1.  Real World Connections - watch short videos and answer questions (Uber/Lyft & College tuition)
2. Notes - Start going over Section 1 on Pricing

Tuesday (May 12)
1. Go through lecture notes for each section - watch video clips & take notes
2. Complete two worksheets (for section 1 & 2) - DUE: Wed.

Wednesday (May 13) 
1. Go over answers to wksts
2. Start "Prices" test

Thursday (May 14)
1. Complete Test

Friday (May 15)
1. Freakonomics chapter - CLOSE read with annotations due: Monday